So one day I decided I NEEDED a white board in the office. Everything is darker brown and black framed in there so I new this cheapo $8 board from walmart would need some help. Yes I realize I could have just spray painted it, but where is the fun in that? So I also picked up some cheap Seamaid Ribbon and some colorful buttons. I love color, what can I say. A little glue and stick later, voila.

Hmm, I think you can tell the difference in the two cameras I used. I also glued some buttons to magnets for fun little holders. Ok, here is where the problem is. My office is traditional. The buttons are not. So here it is, in all its glory, right next to some non colorful things.

Oh well, better luck next time right? Maybe it will make its way into a kids playroom eventually. When I have one of those. Kids, that is. Oh and the white board? It's been used ONCE. Apparently I didn't need it that bad.
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