August 03, 2010

Me & Mine

Sometimes my brain dies right at the moment I sit down to write an 'About Me' page. It's quite the phenomenon really. I figure its probably because the universe would be uterly bored with my life so in an effort to stop me it shuts down my brain.

Well take this universe. My name is Camilla. Phew. I'm married to a great man. We have one child in heaven. We used to have a child in my belly. She's out now, determined to tear my entire house up at the squat age of 8 months or so. I once had a parasite in my belly too. That was not as exciting as a child.

We live in Utah. We have lived in a total of four states and two countries. Not always together. He digs in the dirt, I take pictures. That makes for very interesting dinner conversations.

I am not a born crafter. But I do love pretty things.
So, in an effort to join the popular and oh so magical world of design and crafting I have started this blog, mostly to document my attempts at learning to sew. Wish me luck! Because I am going to need it.