November 29, 2010

nursery {furniture}

Does this picture not make you want to cry a little? In fear? Like it should be straight out of a horror movie? Ok, maybe a bit. I got this baby for $15 at the DI (Utah thrift store) when I was in college. It was great and completely cobweb free. Since my apartments were a little, well, ghetto, this dresser matched perfectly. I then moved to Washington DC so this little gem lived with my brother for awhile. When he moved it got stored under the deck at my parents. Where it was rained on. And snowed on. And inhabited by a small family of spiders. That grew into a large family of spiders. Poor dresser.
So fast forward a couple of years and I now live in a house with a great husband preparing a nursery for a little girl. I remembered the dresser and wondered if it had any potential as a changing table. I found it under the deck on a trip to my parents and saw that it was the PERFECT height for needed table and would give us a lot of great storage. So my dad pulled it into the shop, cleaned it up, rebuilt a drawer, tacked the back in, and built a top for it that was a bit wider than the original dresser. What a great dad. Then after some sanding and some white paint it made its way into the nursery.
Over the years some of the original hardware had gone missing so I bought four new 'girly' pieces for the top drawer for 50% off at Hobby Lobby and spray painted all the old hardware...because I'm cheap like that. I found a great toile pattern of vinyl at the dollar store that I put on the top and in all the drawers of the changing table and added a creme floral print panel to the gap in the back where the original dresser was shorter than the new top. It adds a great little place for storage now.
I also found some wood decorative pieces at Hobby Lobby to add a little feminine flare and help it match the following nightstand:
Isn't she beautiful? Hahahah. This is post sanding, so I didn't get a true before picture which I sincerely apologize for. I loved the scroll work at the bottom. Guess where I found it? On a curb. For free. Yea, that's right, free. I even knocked on the door of the house to make sure I wasn't stealing, but when no one answered I loaded it up by my pregoself and took it home. This was after passing it once, flipping a u turn and coming back. It also sat for a couple of months out in the rain. I'm really good with furniture like that.
After some sanding and some new/spray painted hardware, it's so cute and feminine! I love the two nursery pieces that cost me about $10 in paint and hardware to redo. (White paint I had on hand). I was going to antique them, which would also be a great look, but since the crib is not antique, I just went with a simple white. We did buy the crib new which I thought was a step up for us. :)
Happy Monday! Hope you had a marvelous thanksgiving weekend! I love comments! And followers! Both would totally make my day. :)


  1. You have been craZy busy girl! Those look AWESOME!

  2. Wow, what an incredible job fixing them up! I'd so love a set of drawers like that with so many drawers in it. Lucky little baby!

  3. Beautiful!! Can't believe what potential that crappy dresser had.=)

  4. I was looking at your posts, and my little boy leaned over to look too and said "mom, look at those cute drawers!" It made me laugh! and yes, those are cute drawers!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Amazing! For have skillz! New follower!

  7. I saw your makeovers at the Better After blog and just had to come over and visit someone that could make such amazing furniture transformations! Your new nursery pieces are beautiful! Great job!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  8. I just read ur post. WOW! This is amazing! Camilla, u r amazing! I LOVE UR WORKS!! I shud share this. Can I..?? ;)

  9. It is amazing that THAT ugle dresser had any hope at all. Obviously you are a visionary, because most people would have escorted it to the dump.

  10. First I didn't think that the dresser could be saved, but it was. But my favorite is the night stand. So french, so curvy, so perfect in your makeover. Congrats on your upcoming baby girl. Terry

  11. Wow... I appreciate your work.. you have made such beautiful furniture ... Great talent!! :)))


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